Embracing the Circular Economy is Key to Waste Management
At a time when public awareness of waste and recycling is on the rise thanks to initiatives such as the ABC’s War on Waste, the food-processing sector can justifiably claim to have been among the first to get its house in order and embrace the principles of the circular economy and waste management. Data collected […]
The Real Cost of Wastewater Disposal
As food and beverage businesses seek to remain competitive they modernise their production lines, increasing output and squeezing out every last bit of product. However, often there is little consideration for the outdated wastewater treatment plant that is the real money pit on site. And it is not hard to see why investment at ‘the […]
Reduce waste disposal volumes by up to 90%
By dewatering liquid sludge, waste disposal volumes can be reduced by up to 90%! The HUBER Q-PRESS is world class technology for sludge dewatering in the Food and Beverage industry, and with over 30 units already installed in Australia, the HUBER Q-PRESS is the current Australian industry choice for modern sludge dewatering. Combining a fully […]