Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles

Omron Mobile Robots

Omron’s LD Series Mobile Robots are self-navigating Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles (AIV), designed to transform manufacturing and logistics. They are flexible transport systems equipped with proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with ability to autonomously transport materials to a target location while calculating the optimal route and avoiding humans and obstacles. Unlike traditional Autonomously Guided Vehicles (AGVs), […]

Epson C7500G for County of Origin Food Labelling

epson labeller

The ability to print fade and water resistant full colour labels at 300mm per second by Epson represents a major breakthrough for food manufacturers and food industry clients. To produce high volume full colour labels in house at low cost is a new development in the Australian market. This eliminates the traditional need to purchase […]

Matthews’ serialisation solution

Counterfeiting is a global issue and an increasing problem for exporters as those making fake goods try to cash in on Australia’s “clean, green” image. It’s a particular problem in the growing Asian market for high-end Australian produce — be it wine, infant formula, produce, pharmaceuticals or other therapeutic goods. On top of causing irreparable damage to a company’s bottom line, counterfeiting is a real health risk in the food and heath industries.